Nice Illustrations by Chris Gall an artist, graphic designer and illustrator from USA. You can see more illustrations by Chris Gall after the jump.
Chris Gall
has been drawing pictures and writing stories for as long as he can remember. When he was caught drawing pictures on his desk in second grade, his teacher made him clean all the desks in the classroom. She suggested that he might be an artist someday. He won a Read Magazine Young Writer’s Award in 7th grade, and that inspired him to write stories to go with his art. In college he decided to become an illustrator for a living and he has been creating artwork ever since. His artwork has been seen in almost every publication in America, including Time, Newsweek, People, Fortune, The New York Times, and the Washington Post. He has won over 50 major awards from such organizations as Communication Arts Magazine and the Society of Illustrators. He has been an adjunct professor of art at the University of Arizona, he loves to restore classic cars, he pilots all kinds of airplanes, and he even spent 4 years as a professional stand-up comedian.
I live your work very much. I especially adore the illustration of George Soros praying.