Here are the collection of twitter bootstrap extensions that are the perfect companions to the framework. Front-end web application bootstrap rapid development toolkit. The CSS and a combination of HTML, web development gives you stylish typography, forms, buttons, tables, grids, systems, etc. Enjoy!
Yamm 3
This is Yet another megamenu for Bootstrap 3 from Twitter. Lightweight and pure CSS megamenu that uses the standard navbar markup and the fluid grid system classes from Bootstrap 3. Work for fixed and responsive layout and has the facility to include (almost) any Bootstrap elements.
Bootstrap FileStyle
The Bootstrap Filestyle is a plugin for jquery-based component library could Twitter Bootstrap, used to style the file fields of the forms. This plugin has an interesting way to present a form for sending files so attractive, while being simple and efficient.
Bootstrap Image Gallery
Bootstrap Image Gallery is an extension to blueimp Gallery, a touch-enabled, responsive and customizable image & video gallery. It displays images and videos in the modal dialog of the Bootstrap framework, features swipe, mouse and keyboard navigation, transition effects, fullscreen support and on-demand content loading and can be extended to display additional content types.
Iconpicker for Bootstrap
A jQuery plugin to pick popular icon fonts like fontawesome and glyphicon for bootstrap 3.0.
This tiny (3KB, < 120 lines) jQuery plugin turns any table into an editable spreadsheet.
Brand buttons for Bootstrap
This is an extension to the Twitter Bootstrap framework. It makes creating pretty buttons easy.
JavaScript notifications for Bootstrap, jQuery UI, and the Web Notifications Draft.
A clock-style timepicker for Bootstrap.
Here are 14 jQuery plugins that were specifically created for Bootstrap. Its really great when useful goodies are collected in one place, so I guess youll like this round-up.
Bootstrap Switch 3
Turn checkboxes and radio buttons in toggle switches
Bootstrap Paginator
Bootstrap Paginator is a jQuery plugin that simplifies the rendering of Bootstrap Pagination component. It provides methods to automates the update of the pagination status and also some events to notify the status changes within the component. Bootstrap v3 is now supported.
Bootstrap Tour
The easiest way to show people how to use your website.
Bootbox.js is a small JavaScript library which allows you to create programmatic dialog boxes using Twitters Bootstrap modals, without having to worry about creating, managing or removing any of the required DOM elements or JS event handlers.
Datepicker for Bootstrap
Bootstrap amazingly does not contain a UI datepicker element. Eyecon created a datepicker for bootstrap that is widely used.
tablecloth.js is a jQuery plugin that helps you easily style HTML tables along with some simple customizations.
jQuery Bootstrap-style Dropdowns
While the appearance of these dropdowns is almost identical to those of Bootstraps, its important to note that JavaScript for this plugin was developed entirely from scratch. Some CSS was borrowed, however, especially for generating those gorgeous tips.
Bootstrap Arrows
A simple jQuery plugin and add-on to the popular Twitter Bootstrap framework to include the use of arrows at any angle in your UI designs.
Ladda UI for Bootstrap 3
A UI concept by hakimel which merges loading indicators into the action that invoked them. Primarily intended for use with forms where it gives users immediate feedback upon submit rather than leaving them wondering while the browser does its thing.
SelectBoxIt allows you to replace ugly and hard to use HTML select boxes with gorgeous and feature rich drop downs. Twitter Bootstrap, jQueryUI, and jQuery Mobile themes are supported right out of the box. If you dont want to use these a library theme, then you can use the SelectBoxIt default theme, which closely resembles the Twitter Bootstrap theme. Feel free to customize the default theme to your liking.
A custom select / multiselect for twitter bootstrap using button dropdown, designed to behave like regular Bootstrap selects.
Colorpicker for Bootstrap
Add color picker to field or to any other element.
Tiny bootstrap-compatible WISWYG rich text editor, based on browser execCommand, built originally for MindMup.
Auto-suggest combo with bootstrap theme using jQuery.
A jQuery plugin that dynamically generates a table of contents. Tocify can be optionally styled with Twitter Bootstrap or jQueryUI Themeroller, and optionally animated with jQuery show/hide effects. Tocify also optionally provides support for smooth scrolling, scroll highlighting, scroll page extending, and forward and back button support.
Sco.js plugins can be used as replacement for the bootstrap js. You can find a different approach for some of the bootstrap js as well as other plugins that dont exist in bootstrap. Sco.js uses much less HTML markup than bootstrap and provides sane and intuitive defaults for its options so that you can get started in no time.
Leapstrap is a Leap-first framework built on top of Leap.js, Bootstrap.js and other popular web components. In this guide we will detail the Leap-focused Javascript plugins, whilst considering other documentation for other plugins.