Here you can see 40+ beautiful examples of Bokeh Photography to inspire you to make bokeh photography. The term Bokeh is Japanese words that meas “blur”. In photography the blur describe the quality of the blur in the out of focus regions of an image. We have rounded up 40+ breathtaking examples of bokeh photography for your inspiration below.
Bokeh Photography Ideas
Why would anyone love to do Bokeh photography in the first place? Think, blink and get your picture perfect. This way you can create masterpieces out of even a slice of bread or a polka dotted garment. Bokeh Photography just catches you by finger and never lets you go.
Bokeh Xo
It puts your mind at work. As if you are watching a movie you begin to think about your next picture and then the next. The results amaze you but you don’t just stop there. You zoom on to the next picture, finish clicking it and still go on to create more such works of art.
How Well Can You Portray Emotions Through Bokeh Photography?
Watching Bokeh
Probably the zing thing about Bokeh Photography is the captivating thought behind it. No doubt, it requires a lot of patience and expertise to get that one moment in time; it could be a handshake or a woman smiling. Click, and there it goes! Your moment shot at sight.
Brave Cat
It’s yours now, the idea, the picture, the artistry. What happens to an apple when it is being cut by a knife is one common example. If you ought to see both sides of the story, take the aid of Bokeh Photography. And don’t forget to easyy cheese’ to your creative creation, as life brushes past you.