Impressive Illustrations by Michal Dziekan

Michal Dziekan is an Illustrator, Character Designer and Animation Director based in Poland. In this article we will show you the Impressive Illustrations from Michal Dziekan gallery.

We hope you’ll like Dziekan digital illustrations. Don’t forget to see more of his work in official website.

Evening news: Raging Mob!

Angry mob. Everybody is familiar with this phenomenon,when people driven by anger or fear create one single minded hate machine.All shown in the evening news.

Impressive Illustrations by Michal Dziekan

Road Rage

Illustration about driving conditions in Poland,where lack of highways and quality roads makes people very angry.

Impressive Illustrations by Michal Dziekan

Down Down Down

Why some people can’t stop even when edge is so close?

Impressive Illustrations by Michal Dziekan

The Great Escape

Up’s spoof showing Unfortunate escape from mortgage.

Impressive Illustrations by Michal Dziekan

Bon Appetite!

Impressive Illustrations by Michal Dziekan

Spilled Holidays

Impressive Illustrations by Michal Dziekan

Hansel & Gretel

Modernized version of Grimm’s Hansel and Gretel story.This days obesity grown to a huge problem.

Impressive Illustrations by Michal Dziekan

Hate Propaganda

Impressive Illustrations by Michal Dziekan


Impressive Illustrations by Michal Dziekan


Impressive Illustrations by Michal Dziekan


Impressive Illustrations by Michal Dziekan

Above the Ground

Impressive Illustrations by Michal Dziekan

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